Beauty Market Global and European Report


Beauty Market Global and European Report

This report presents the main data of the International and European Beauty Market, an interesting, strong and resilient market. The information is current and relevant, showing a clear and objective view of the segment, its main trends and consumption movements. The visual presentation is creative, rich in graphics and interesting, making reading easy and light.


* Definition of cosmetics

* Market share

* General data

* Main segments

* Exportation and importation

* Consumption behavior

* Online sales

* Natural and organic cosmetics

* Sustainability


* Regions of Europe

* European Union

* Population

* Main segments

* Distribution channel

* Socio-economic impacts

* Exportation and importation

* Natural and organic cosmetics

* Consumption behavior


* How a trend arises

* Beauty movements

* Consumption behavior

* Impacts of pandemics

* Trends in ingredients

* Conclusions and opportunities

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